Recent trends throughout the world show that outsourcing various functions of the Organisation is making increasing business sense. The same trend is becoming evident in South Africa. Gaining objectivity, saving costs and lack of specialised resources are cited as being the main reasons for this.
HR departments are usually the hardest hit when an organisations need to cut costs or budgets. This often leaves the department short staffed or running very lean in human capital. Sometimes special projects require extra capacity, or the Organisational structure/size simply does not lend itself to having a full time resource.
In all of these cases the organisation succeeds in saving the costs, but loses out on the long- term benefits of having functionality. Chat to us about saving costs while retaining effectiveness and efficiency in general or in the particular areas listed below:
Newly formed or restructured organisations often find it helpful to have an outsider assess their status quo and deliver an objective report on strengths and exposures. The audit report will provide useful information such as areas that require attention and can also be used to negotiate the scope of work required.
“Many Organisations know exactly what their policies and procedures are,but do their staff members?”
“It often happens that when discipline issues arise we find that we have fallen short in documenting things. This affects Management succession and communication as well as the disciplinary process.”
“We know that we are lacking in this area, but just do not have the time or people to put things down on paper.”
Sound familiar? Squiggle can provide the resource and time and can also assist with launching, implementing and training your Organisation once the policy documents are complete.